E-Commerce Applications

Feel empowered with an eCommerce platform that puts you in control of your business. Our talented web designers will create a unique custom website tailored to your online store needs. Read more

Custom Software Applications

Exceloid provides services to develop, enhance, and maintain your products. Our broad expertise in applications, platforms, operating system and databases help us to provide you Read more

Mobile Applications

Within the span of 1995 to 2011, smart phones have taken over PCs. In the next couple of years tablets will also outsell PCs, and before we know it, majority of users will access internet through Read more

Web Application Development

Life without internet today is hard to imagine, infact the level of dependency on internet is so high that if internet is to be plugged out of the lives of people, they would not know Read more

Why do you need ERP?

An ERP solution can deliver dramatic benefits to businesses of all types and sizes – increased productivity, reduced operating expenses, improved information flow, and enhanced performance management. Read more

Openbravo ERP

Currently, the global economy in which we live in has forced organizations continuing facing new markets, new competition and ever-increasing customer expectations. This tough environment requires Read more